Team Dynamics- Group Development and Where to Start?



  • The Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing model of group development was first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, who maintained that these phases are all necessary and inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, and to deliver results.


The team meets and learns about the opportunities and challenges, and then agrees on goals and begins to tackle the tasks. Team members tend to behave quite independently. They may be motivated but are usually relatively uninformed of the issues and objectives of the team. Team members are usually on their best behavior but very focused on themselves. Mature team members begin to model appropriate behavior even at this early phase.

The forming stage of any team is important because the members of the team get to know one another, exchange some personal information, and make new friends. This is also a good opportunity to see how each member of the team works as an individual and how they respond to pressure.


Tolerance of each team member and their differences should be emphasized; without tolerance and patience the team will fail. This phase can become destructive to the team and will lower motivation if allowed to get out of control. Some teams will never develop past this stage; however, disagreements within the team can make members stronger, more versatile, and able to work more effectively as a team. Supervisors of the team during this phase may be more accessible, but tend to remain directive in their guidance of decision-making and professional behavior. The team members will therefore resolve their differences and members will be able to participate with one another more comfortably. The ideal is that they will not feel that they are being judged, and will therefore share their opinions and views. Normally tension, struggle and sometimes arguments occur. This stage can also be upsetting.


In this stage, all team members take the responsibility and have the ambition to work for the success of the team’s goals. The danger here is that members may be so focused on preventing conflict that they are reluctant to share controversial ideas.


By this time, they are motivated and knowledgeable. The team members are now competent, autonomous and able to handle the decision-making process without supervision. Dissent is expected and allowed as long as it is channeled through means acceptable to the team.

Supervisors of the team during this phase are almost always participating. The team will make most of the necessary decisions. Even the most high-performing teams will revert to earlier stages in certain circumstances. Many long-standing teams go through these cycles many times as they react to changing circumstances. For example, a change in leadership may cause the team to revert to storming as the new people challenge the existing norms and dynamics of the team.


EQ is a Powerful Tool

How to Succeed Using Your Emotional Intelligence to Influence Your Audience
In preparation for your next big opportunity to exert influence, prepare yourself with strategies taken straight from Mr. Rogers’ of PBS:

  • Understand your strengths and how you communicate best
  • Understand your audience and speak to what they value
  • Make a personal connection with the person you address
  • Remember, the only way to be authentic is to be yourself
  • Stay focused on your message when distracting emotions bubble to the surface
  • Use inclusive language to create common ground
  • Be polite and respectful with questions and answers (I know, obvious)


Pain Points at the Top!

For those who are leading organizations, it can be lonely at the top.  So what is the key to success?  How do the most successful entrepreneurs measure success?  And what is the most important lesson they are willing to share?

This is the first interview is a series of leaders who are successful, authentic, mindful, and able to share their own failures as well as successes in order to help others skip a few miss-steps.

Interview with a personal trainer to some of the most powerful leaders in Silicon Valley.  Title: You May be the Boss, But I am in Charge

Doing what we love in service of people who love what we do –Excellence in Coaching

Following your passion is a gift that keeps on giving.  And the dividends are in many forms; monetary, prestige, peace of mind and inspiring others to take the path least take.

Integrity is a value that is universal.  It can also be a measured by your actions and being authentic.  Warren Buffett can be held up as a success in all areas measurable, including his own.  Not just the obvious wealth he has accumulated.  Integrity is one of the three values Mr. Buffett cares about when hiring in his organizations.   He demonstrates that value in his personal life and is consistent in how his children will earn their wealth, rather than be given a typical percentage of his estate.  He has made sure that they are not waiting for their inheritance, but rather making their own mark on the world.

Warren Buffett also professes the importance of integrity in every hiring decision at Berkshire Hathaway and other successful companies he leads.

“We hire for intelligence, energy and integrity.  If you have intelligence and energy, but not integrity, the other two don’t matter.”

He has also formed non-profits to give fortunes back to others less fortunate.  A man to be admired from any perspective.

Persuading the Scientific Mind, already Curiosity

Scientists start with an observation, formulate an hypothesis, gather data to validate the hypothesis, then get published.  Is that the acceptance they desire?  Is that the definition of their success?  We need to ask what is the motivation.  For the scientists, they are motivated to validate the data and get published.  But in many cases that published finding is read by very few.  Where is the impact?

Scientific Quad

Would there be greater impact on real change and improving lives if meaningful data were more widely understood?  The mechanism that is missing is know by successful leaders, and it stems from a similar creativity, but is delivered in a very effective effective method known as storytelling.

Stories are the emotional connection to the data.  They are examples of why the data matters, how data is personal and why you might care to know more or do something.  Researcher Brene Brown is an example of a Researcher (Scientist)  who has generated plenty of data, through her research.  But her impact, where the data is now more widely making a difference is as a direct result of her ability to “tell the story” of the data.  Brene has inspired others through creativity and connecting with millions through storytelling. Vulnerability, shame, fear, these are all areas of research in human behavior that we can now understand through the data and the stories that come from the data.

There is common ground  between scientists and effective leaders.  Their ability to tell stories that connect with others is one way they can both have a bigger impact in their respective fields.

Hamid Ghanadan tells more from the scientist’s experience on his recent TedXCambridge 2014 Talk.

True Leadership: Authentic Leadership, HBR

True leadership – the ability to inspire others to greatness – is one of the most challenging skills to master in the workplace and, clearly, is important to many of you, based on the number of comments and questions in group discussions on leadership issues.

As a result, we are excited to announce a special offer to help you find your leadership voice and connect more effectively with those around you. Whether you are in a management position or aspire to be, The “Authentic Leadership Collection” will help you:

* Demonstrate your unique value and strengths
* Communicate your ideas effectively
* Connect in a positive way with others
* Maintain your individuality while “conforming enough”

Find your inner leader! Order now and save 25% off individual product prices:

The “Authentic Leadership Collection” includes the following books:

OWN THE ROOM: DISCOVER YOUR SIGNATURE VOICE TO MASTER YOUR LEADERSHIP PRESENCE: No matter where you sit in an organization, you can “own the room” by developing your leadership presence. Using a simple and compelling framework, authors Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins give you the tools you need to demonstrate your authentic value, connect to others in a positive way, and discover your signature voice.

WHY SHOULD ANYONE BE LED BY YOU? WHAT IT TAKES TO BE AN AUTHENTIC LEADER: In this lively and practical book, authors Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones draw from extensive research to reveal how to hone and deploy your unique leadership assets while managing the inherent tensions at the heart of successful leadership.

HBR’S 10 MUST READS ON LEADERSHIP: Culled from hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles on leadership, this must-read collection will help you maximize your own and your organization’s performance — and transform yourself from a good manager into an extraordinary leader.